Predicate: {ilotahab
Roleset id: 01 , To flame, to blaze, to get hot
        Arg1: entity flamed
        Arg2: in what
التهبت النار في المعمل
        Arg1 : النار
        Gloss: the fire
        Arg2 : في المعمل
        Gloss: in the factory
Roleset id: 02 , to feel burning desire/love for
        Arg1: entity burning
        Arg2: in what
        Arg3: for what
التهب * حبا لوطنه
        Arg1 : -NONE- * ?
        Gloss: NONE
        Arg2 : حبا
        Gloss: love
        Arg3 : لوطنه
        Gloss: for his country
Roleset id: 03 , to get angry/mad on
        Arg1: entity getting mad
        Arg2: on whom
التهب الوالد على ابنه
        Arg1 : الوالد
        Gloss: the father
        Arg2 : على ابنه
        Gloss: on his son
Roleset id: 04 , to inflame
        Arg1: entity getting inflamed
        Arg2: which part
التهبت اذن الولد
        Arg2 : اذن
        Gloss: ear
        Arg1 : الولد
        Gloss: the boy